7 Blog Writing Tips That Boost Engagement & Unleash Creativity


September 6, 2024

Are you seeking blog writing tips to craft engaging content consistently? Knowing a few strategies is crucial whether you are a business looking to attract customers or someone seeking a passive income stream.

— Let me put it this way – blogging has become a big deal. But to succeed, you need to invest time in writing blogs that truly engage your readers.

That is when these simple tips will come in handy. I will provide straightforward yet powerful strategies, using my real-life examples to guide you from start to finish.

Step by step, you will master the art of researching, structuring your posts, creating compelling content, and confidently hitting that publish button.

blog writing tips

Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned blogger, these tips will streamline your process and help you create content that resonates with your audience.

Trust me, I have been there – staring at a blank page, feeling stuck. But with the right approach, blogging becomes easy with time.

Follow along; let us look at what they are.

Creative writing tips to enhance your blogging skills

All right, so you know blogging fundamentals and how to create a solid blog post from start to finish. But you want to take your blog to the next level. Are you grabbing your readers in?

So, as discussed, these tips to create engaging content and blogging skills will help you going forward.

I will discuss simple ways from researching until the end so that you can add more personality and your one-of-a-kind voice to your blog.

And I am talking about easy ways to add flair, personality, and your one-of-a-kind voice.

1. Spend 80% of your Time to Research

Do you know that excellent research leads to quality output? Yes, it is true. When I get a topic idea for my blog post, researching it is the first thing I do.

And it is detailed research that includes:

  • Are people searching for this topic?
  • If yes, what my competitors have already shared?
  • How can I be different from them?
  • How can I connect with my audience deeply?
  • How can this article help solve their problem?

Thus, it helps me stay on track while writing actual blog articles. That is why I spend 80% of my time researching to finish my article quickly.

For this reason, I suggest you incorporate writing as a habit every day, even for 20-30 minutes, and start writing whatever you feel like.

It would help if you do not worry about grammatical mistakes or structure here. This stage is about building a writing habit.

You can write the article quickly if you spend 80% of your time on sound research.

2. Prepare a Detailed Outline with a Proper Structure

After proper research, the next step is to create an outline. In addition to the writing habit we discussed in the previous tip, a detailed outline can reduce your writing time.

Without a proper outline, your content may lose direction, and you may get overwhelmed between writing.

So, my agenda while writing is to just focus on what I write. For this reason, I dedicate more time to research and then create a detailed outline.

Thus, I need not worry about what to write during my content writing time; I focus on how I write.

outlining the article

Firstly, I create a rough outline with just headings but with a proper structure, placing H3s under related H2s.

Once structuring is done, filling in the headings is next. I clearly describe what I will write inside each heading.

This process will make your writing much more manageable. If you haven’t followed this practice yet, please do so.

If it works for you, let me know by commenting here or on my Instagram or LinkedIn so I can be happy for you and know you have implemented it.

3. Pay Attention to Formatting

So, we have seen some tips to remember before you start writing. From here, let me tell you a few crucial tips for writer’s block that you can implement in your blog posts.

Firstly, tell me, do you like to read a piece of content with vast lines of text? I do not prefer reading it. And I hope you too. Hence, formatting our content plays an important role here.

For this reason, I like to format my content correctly. If I use points or steps, I use numbers or bullet points to represent them neatly.

Apart from these, there are many other formats that you can use—bold, italics, highlighters, and more.

Moreover, you can find examples from this current post itself. At the beginning of my blogging journey, I should have paid more attention to formatting.

Gradually, once I became confident in my content writing, I started to pay more attention to formatting and adding visuals (which I will discuss next).

In addition, a few users will want to skim your post instead of reading it thoroughly. So, you need to consider them and format your content.

If you highlight more important points and follow a particular formatting structure, those kinds of readers will get what they want from your content.

Tip: Consider adding a Table of Contents to your blog post so that the reader will have a clear picture of your article and what they can expect.

4. Visuals Help Convey the Message Much Faster

As I discussed adding visuals earlier, I should have focused on adding more images to my posts when I began blogging.

I hope you can relate to me. We focus on one central idea and add related elements when starting something.

— Similarly, I initially focused more on the writing part. Later, I started formatting my posts and adding images whenever needed.

Initially, I wrote my posts by creating only one featured image. Do you agree that visuals can convey a piece of information easily?

use visuals

Soon, I realized this and started incorporating more visuals into my posts. It is also important to make your blog visually appealing to attract readers.

— At the same time, I design images for my content using Canva. But I also use royalty-free stock images or statistics for my posts when needed.

Learning from my experience, I suggest you incorporate more visuals into your content as soon as possible. I am sure you will not regret making this decision later.

5. Leave your Content to Sleep for a Night Before you Start to Edit

Now, let me tell you about the temptation most of us have. Once we finish writing our content, we will be tempted to edit it immediately. Even I felt so.

— But that is not the right approach. Right after you finish your draft, you will be in the same mindset as when you were writing.

You cannot think of any other perspective or angle in your content. Particularly for editing, you will need a different mindset and third-person point of view.

Hence, I suggest you not edit immediately after you write. In my case, I finish writing my blog posts or social media content in the evenings or at night.

Once I finish it, I will leave the content as it is and go to sleep. When I sit to edit the following day, I will have a fresh mind. Moreover, I can see and understand my content from different angles.

Thus, I can add information if needed or delete unnecessary stuff mercilessly, a crucial part of editing.

Hmm, I know that this article is about blog writing tips, but I am discussing editing here. You will need to edit better to produce better-quality output. Editing is one of the best blogging skills you can ever have.

6.  Use your Personal Stories to Connect with Readers Deeply

Storytelling is my favorite way to write content. I hope you understand by now as I shared my personal experiences.

So, if you ask me, “What skills do I need to become a blogger?” I would answer this in short: storytelling.

To start a blog, you do not need technical skills. But if you use storytelling, that is the best way to attract your readers and connect with them on a deeper level.

Thanks to AI, creating content has become easier than ever before. I am not saying creating content using AI is good or bad. But to stand out from the crowd, you must have something different, and your content should be unique.

That is when you need to bring your stories. Because you are the one who lived your story and experienced it, no one can copy it and understand it.

For this reason, you can use:

  • The mistakes you have made.
  • Your struggles?
  • Your learnings?
  • Your suggestions to one facing the same situation.
  • How did you tackle that situation?
  • What worked for you, and what did not?
  • What could you have done better in that situation? Etc.

Thus, your readers get that you are putting yourself in their place and providing the solution and value they need.

Gradually, you will be able to build a strong community with your readers who would love to come to your blog for more, and your blog will grow.

7. Give your Audience a Clear Direction with CTA

We have discussed many blog writing tips so far. All of them come under one type. But, giving a proper direction to your readers after reading your content is a whole different story.

Therefore, you must add a clear call to action at the end of your content to motivate your readers to take action.

clear cta is key

Your content is a theory for them, so encourage them to take action and put what they have learned into practice.
For this reason, you can think clearly about what action you want them to take.

  • Give them your previous blogs as resources.
  • Make them buy any of your products.
  • Comment on your blog post.
  • Sign up for your newsletter.
  • Register for your 1:1 session or any coaching if you have.
  • Or any simple and immediate action they can take from the tip or suggestion in your content.

There are many things you can do to ensure proper action is taken. Incorporating the best call to action is also one of the blog writing tips I like to give you.

It would be best if you do not leave your readers hanging without giving them a clear direction after reading your article.

Finally, that clear CTA will be a win-win situation for both of you. Your readers will have something to take from your article, and you will benefit from their action.

Final Thoughts

I wanted to share my best blog writing tips with you today. These tips are in sequential order, starting with what to do before writing and ending with what to do afterward.

Boosting engagement through creativity is essential for successful blogging. Using professional blog writing services could elevate your content’s impact.

To conclude, every step mentioned here is essential in your blogging journey. So, feel free to implement those tips that resonate with you the most.

Also, I have a bunch of more resources for you where I covered most of the topics related to blogging. Check them out to see if you learned anything from this post and want more.

That is it for today; I will see you at the next one.


About the Author

Meet Manogna, the creative force behind DesignandPen. With a background in Executive Customer Relations at Amazon and a passion for writing and design, I embarked on a journey to combine expertise and interests to empower others. As a working mom and dedicated blogger, I offer practical insights and inspiration in blogging, design, and personal growth. Join me on this journey towards creativity, productivity, and success.

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